Thursday, August 20, 2015

Weekly Challenge #231 Guest Post by Sharla Hicks, CZT

Whew!  I thought this was going to be easy, since I love to tangle with loose, flowing, organic, undulating, unpredictable patterns.  But then, alas, I over thought it, planned for the glory and the admiration of my fellow Tanglers and put pen to paper and created - well, let's just say what I created did not live up to my expectations, nor did I spend much time in a Zen-tangling state of mind.  So I got a huge dose of humility and was reminded that Zentangle and Zentangle Inspired Art are not about the finished product, but the journey, the peace, the wonderful camaraderie with fellow tanglers.

So, I present three images:

I felt this first image suited this challenge;  I created it starting last Fall working an hour or two here and there into the Spring.  When I studied Simon Bishoff's tutorial on sharpening your line drawing skills ( ), I fell in love with the braid instructions.  And in that tutorial I was led to the art of Justine Ashbee via an article about her at .  Thus began this drawing.  It is on 18"x24" watercolor paper.  I drew all the undulating lines and other patterns (got bored undulating), then because it was Fall, I decided to paint with watercolors in Fall colors.  I probably used every color I have in the end.  I used watercolors, Micron pens and Gelly Roll pens.  Learned a lot and had a lot of fun.

I have a question for all y'all fellow tanglers.  I have searched for the name of the braid pattern present by Simone Bischoff in her tutorial and never found it.  Does anyone know if that pattern has an official name?  

Second image: My first response to this challenge on a Zendala tile.  I started with one of my favorite patterns, Punzle and slipped up and in a bit of Chainging by accidentally leaving off the Punzle pieces (duh),  then the undulations of the braid like pattern from Simoe Bischoff, followed by probably my all time fave, Diva Dance and many embellishments.  I love to Tipple my way through and around, here and there.  Took me 24 hours to begin to like this tile. 

Third Image:  And today on a Zendala tile, with a little humility and less of a plan, I still couldn't tear myself away from Punzle, but I did begin to explore for the first time IndyRella and SharlaRella, YAY!.   I will be exploring them both more.  I do kinda like the black ribbon I worked through and I can't help but add little filler sections to the curves, kinda Aquafleur like.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Weekly Challenge #230 - Guest Blogger Erin Olson, CZT

"Let’s all be ZenDivaDala"

Thanks Erin, for the great challenge this week.

And here is my entry.

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Just finished - I think I've finished, but with pen in hand, you never know - another ZIA Junk.

Friday, August 7, 2015

This week's I Am the Diva Weekly Challenge #229 is from Guest Blogger Sandy Hunter, CZT.  Sandy has challenged us to embrace the white space in a Zentangle.  I submit an Aquafleur ala Helen Williams and BTL Joos - with lots of white space Zendala - tada.

And...  I'm just too much of a ham not to share the following - It has white space, I reckon.  Done on 9.5" x 12" dry media paper.  I'm doing a series of "junk tangles", if you will.  The color and grunginess comes from in-camera theatrics.