Wednesday, March 22, 2017

I Am the Diva Weekly Challenge #308 - Mac n Cheese

Oh what fun to come back to some favorite tangle patterns.  I've got about a dozen, so deciding which one or ones to use took a minute.  But, of course, basics for me lots of times includes Diva Dance in one form or another or perhaps a form of my own.  And Paradox always looks so complicated and is so simple.  In this case I was stuck once again with a rock to draw on since they haven't yet invented paper here in Lake Havasu.  You may also notice I might have strayed a bit from Diva Dance and Paradox to include a few of my inner auras just for fun.

Some of you, my friends out in Zentangle and Diva Challenge land, have asked me to show a picture of my whole rock garden.  Well, it sort of grows and shrinks, because people walk by out front of the RV and look, and of course, I go out to chat about it, and sometimes people take a shine to one of the rocks and I give it to them.  Plus I take them to different people as gifts as the occasions come up, so it is always in flux.  Had a rare rain today with lots of cloud cover, so it was a good time to photograph the rock garden in situ (I've waited years to use that term in a sentence).  They have quite a bit of glare because I finish them with Krylon Fusion for Plastic - Gloss with UV inhibitors.  I have had to refurbish a few of the rocks in the last few days because they had faded badly - too little varnish or perhaps the limits of the medium.  BTW I used the new On1 RAW program to post-process the images non-destructively and I love it, in case any of you are photogs too. 


  1. Beautiful tangling on the Stones!👏👏👏

  2. Great Mac n Cheese rock, and so great to see the whole current collection! Such a conversation starter I am sure.

    1. Thanks Kate. The rock garden thing is fun. It does start conversations. Fun to watch people drive slowly by on their golf carts and look.

  3. I'm really fond of your stones. I love them all, the colours and the tangles look great and you have made a lot of variations. This "Mc and Cheese" one is gorgeous!

    1. Thanks Ria. That Mac n Cheese one was super fun.

  4. I love all your "rock art" tangles. :-D In fact, darn you anyway, I'm going to have to find me some nice stones to tangle on. Hee hee. I'm away from home for awhile at the Mendocino Coast. I'm sure I can take a walk on the beach and find some nice flat stones to tangle on. You got me going now! I will try to get my tile up tomorrow, now that I've got my computer up and know what the Diva Challenge is. I really like seeing what you've done with the different Diva Challenges.

    1. Oh my, what a terrible place to be, Mendocino what with the sunsets, the waves crashing on the rocks, the walks on the beach, the miles of scenery, the salt air, the restaurants. Been to Sea Ranch for a long weekend some time ago. Beautiful country.

  5. That MacNCheese rock is fantastic and so is the color. The other rocks are great as well! Most of the rocks I tangle will go the a grave of a young boy; I saw the Jewish habit of leaving a rock/pebble after visiting a grave and follow that.

    1. That is a wonderful thing to do with tangled rocks. My daughter recently passed and perhaps I'll leave a rock here and there as I scatter some of her ashes. Thank you.

  6. Just read your last three posts- fascinating. Your art work shows a really imaginative use of both pattern and colour. Wish I could walk by and see them in person.

    1. Thank you Margaret. Regarding my imaginative use of color, I intend to use colors in a family and my color families tend to include all the colors in the box. What I know about color is that blue and orange are compliments, beyond that it is grab n go.

  7. How nice to see more of your rock garden. The AZ sun does have a tendency to destroy just about everything eventually. Good thing for photos! I like the one you did for this week's challenge with the rich colors.

    1. Thanks Jean. Yes, the Arizona sun is a potent force. Fortunately I consider all my rocks ephemeral art and will give them back to the desert, river or lake when they have made enough people happy. I also keep a collection on my window sills at home so I always have some to give away. Recently I made Zentangle Inspired Name rocks to use at a pot-luck where you needed to show up early and stake your claim to a seat. The was a kick. Do you teach Zentangle classes?

  8. Well, your Mac 'n Cheese rock is fantastic and that collection is just stunning! I can only imagine the joy and awe experienced by the casual passer-by and your fortunate giftee's;-)

    1. Thank you Michele - Yup, it's fun to chat with folks when they stop and look. A good ice breaker in the RV park, as if we need one. The most popular gift is the grandparents taking a rock to give to a grandchild - even for Christmas no less. Go figure.
