Wednesday, March 1, 2017

I Am the Diva Weekly Challenge #305: "DuoTangle Marasu vs Molygon"

Well folks, here is my contribution to Marasu Vs Molygon - I think Molygon won;  at any rate, it was fun.  Sharpies and Gelly Roll pens on a rock.  A careful observer will notice two Marasu growths in which are embedded any number of wonky ole Molygons.  It's like one of those things I really wished for and then got to thinking toward the end there, holy criminy, what ever was I thinking? - hehe.

Well, now that I look at it and think about it, I reckon my Marasus are eating or birthing my Molygons, depending on which end you view them from.


  1. This rock is very pretty, lovely coloring and I like the shine in the green parts.

  2. I don't know how you managed to keep your hand steady to draw on this surface but the finished effect is excellent. I love the colours and the very organic style of it. Nice work.

  3. Wow! That's gorgeous! It has a very tribal feeling to it. Well done;-)

  4. Great tangleation between marasu and molygon! You've created so much interest with the wonderful variety of fills that you used in you molygon shapes. I'd love to find this gorgeous rock in my collection!

  5. Such beautiful Molygons with a Marasu snake winding through! Looks fabulous on the rock! Do you something to seal the sharpies on the Rock?

    1. Thanks for the wonderful compliment Deanne. It came about as Molygons growning inside Marasu, much the same way as a Diva Dance grows. Anyway - I use Krylon for Plastic, clear gloss with the UV inhibitors. I display these rocks outside in front of the RV and they fade very badly without some protection. So far this Winter they are holding up good. Don't know about the long term and don't really care because I consider them ephemeral art and generally return them to their natural environment to fade gloriously or be picked up by someone or whatever.
