Tuesday, September 13, 2016

#DC284 - Monotangle Tripoli

I've never mastered Tripoli.  Just can't seem to get those facing edges to face each other and other unexplainable unnatural phenomenon of the pens in hand.  So, I cheated and was lazy and posted this I did almost a year ago. Coz I could.

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

#DC282: "Spill It"

After 60 years of coffee, I quit a month or so ago, so I spilled my herbal coffee like drink on my tile.  At the end the open spaces seemed lonely, so I flicked watercolor paint at it.  I'm very happy with the result.  It's so much fun to Diva Dance.  My mantra for this project was to let go and let Art.

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

#DC281 - "Tangle study-ING"

Turns out it's a Paradoxical-ING thing.  I have loved ING since I first found it in my early Tangling days.  Always fun, it is.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

I Am the Diva Challenge #276: "Duotangle - Poke Root vs. Drupe"

Wow, what fun; I must admit my Poke Roots sorta out maneuvered my Drupe, but the spirit of Drupe lives on in there somewhere, least that's what was in my head when I started.  I had no trouble using Sandy Steen Bartholomew's suggestion that Drupe likes color.  I love my colors too, especially Sakura brown (I think Maria Thomas is calling it Renaissance - whatever).  Aura shading compliments of neutral gray Copic markers.

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Weekly Challenge #266: "UMT - Crux by Henrike Bratz

Well - I am totally, utterly and absolutely incapable of following instructions, especially when it comes to drawing grid based tangle patterns that require any sort of structured discipline.  I only share this tile because I believe in the sharing and caring nature of the Zentangle community and we can each learn from other's challenges.  I kept going, that's all I can say.  When I realized I was about two million miles off pattern, I made the choice to keep going and see what would happen.  I'm certainly not in love with this tile, but I did manage to give it some character and am happy with the fact that I remembered there are no mistakes and to keep going and leave the judgement at the door.  Ultimately I enjoyed the experience, but it took some inner work to get there.

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

I Am the Diva - Weekly Challenge #265: "Stripes"

There on my desk sits this pile of Zendala tiles, and since some of you, my fellow Diva Challenge Tanglers, have complimented my creative and unorthodox use of Zendala tiles, I had no choice but to proceed.  Enjoy.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

I Am the Diva Weekly Challenge #264: "String Theory: String Into Spring"

My first thought was car springs, bed springs sproinging into Spring, so I went with that.  Zendala tile and too happy with Spring to be troubling my brain with the names of each pattern.  Shading - a bit difficult, but upon stepping back, I guess it works, kinda.  Ah what the hell, let it loose, accept its isness, embrace it, love it.  Did I have fun?  As Joe Pickett would say, "Yup".

The Pre-Sprung Thing That's Just a String Still

The Spring that Sprang from the Spring String - In Theory

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

I Am the Diva Weekly Challenge #263: "Globular Grid"

Now this critter was seriously challenging.  Good thing I'm retired.  I think I missed two meals and a nap working on her.  But ya know what?  I had soooooooo much fun.  Let's hear it for pen size 01, yes.  Zendala tile and friends.

Monday, April 11, 2016

Weekly Challenge #262: "UMT - Fassett by Lynn Mead"

Finally back after a hiatus while finishing up my Flagstaff 14th Annual Recycled Art Exhibit piece (image below).  This critter is 31x41", made from cardboard, paper towel tubes, egg cartons, rocks, found objects, produce bags, cereal box foil, gift bag handles, paper/cardboard beads, glue, shellac, pyrography, and lots of love.  It won the "Best Use of Materials" and (go figure) the "Elegance" trophies - and it sold at the opening reception.  It was inspired by a post from Helen Williams - http://www.alittlelime.blogspot.com/ featuring her Heartswell pattern.

Here's my Duotangle with Tri-Bee by Beate Minkler - http://beabeadesign.blogspot.com/ - and filled in with Fassett by Lynn Meade - http://atanglersmind.com/blog/ - many thanks to both talented ladies for giving the world these two tangle patterns for us to play with.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

I Am the Diva - Weekly Challenge #253: "New Tangle: Molygon"

Is it cheating to have already done gone and done Molygon before this challenge was thrown down?  I hope not because that's what I have done gone and done, twice.

So here are my tiles.  I love organically expanding, freely forming, non regimental, ungridded, crawly thingies Tangle patterns like Molygon.

Flowers make good easels.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

I Am the Diva Weekly Challenge #252

I Am the Diva Weekly Challenge #252.  Use a pattern for your string.  I used Fengle for the string and filled it with Betweed, Rick's Paradox and BTL Joos.  And it sorta, kinda became a Zendala, kinda.  Oh, and I used in camera perspective theatrics, coz I could.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

I Am the Diva Callenge #251

I am the Diva weekly challenge #251:

Use the Moebius Syndrome Foundation logo as your string.  The Moebius Syndrome color is purple.  I drew the logo freehand on a standard Zentangle tile. That explains a lot.  I used a Gelly Roll metalic pen to color Diva Dance and a Prismacolor pencil to color and shade the logo.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

I Am the Diva Weekly Challenge #250

I Am the Diva Weekly challenge #250 "Bring it Back To the Old School".

Did I ever enjoy this challenge.  I've been feeling a bit blue lately and have deliberately been returning to Zentangle basics and making myself Tangle almost every morning.  I've sensed my mood in the stilted unimaginative tangles during that time.  This week I've started loosening up and have been happy to Tangle and pleased with my "basic" tangles (although Sakura Micron Brown does slip in there a lot).

Today, I'm blown away.  This was fun, fairly fast, inspired, flowing, easy peasy and neato bazito.  Hope it was the same for you.

Standard Zentangle, a string, black ink, patterns, shade with pencil, initial, sign the back, admire.  I used Fescu, Zinger, some dots, Mooka Fengle Tanglation, Weird Umble, Oddball Cirquital, Cubine and A Real Rixty - and maybe a couple other filler like thingies.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

I Am the Diva Weekly Challenge #249: "Duotangle: Celebrate with DivaDance and Auraknot"

I love Auraknot although I seldom tangle it because it always looks mechanical and contrived from my hand.  I love, love, love Diva Dance, so this was a no brainer - just do it and have fun; which I did.  Tada!  Auraknot still looks mechanical and contrived.