Tuesday, April 19, 2016

I Am the Diva Weekly Challenge #264: "String Theory: String Into Spring"

My first thought was car springs, bed springs sproinging into Spring, so I went with that.  Zendala tile and too happy with Spring to be troubling my brain with the names of each pattern.  Shading - a bit difficult, but upon stepping back, I guess it works, kinda.  Ah what the hell, let it loose, accept its isness, embrace it, love it.  Did I have fun?  As Joe Pickett would say, "Yup".

The Pre-Sprung Thing That's Just a String Still

The Spring that Sprang from the Spring String - In Theory


  1. Super Zendala! The hearts are so happy!

  2. This tile is gorgeous. I might have to try your idea out myself.

  3. I struggle to remember the names of tangles too, but I see that spring made us both think of Pokeberry. I really like your composition---no problem with the shading I can see. I like the way you used the zendala tile in an "unorthodox" way. (We Zentangle people are just so wild and crazy :-) ) Your composition in the round is lovely and I like the way you introduced color.

  4. I struggle to remember the names of tangles too, but I see that spring made us both think of Pokeberry. I really like your composition---no problem with the shading I can see. I like the way you used the zendala tile in an "unorthodox" way. (We Zentangle people are just so wild and crazy :-) ) Your composition in the round is lovely and I like the way you introduced color.

    1. Thanks Suzanne. I really appreciate your comments. I'm not sure I'm capable of using a Zendala tile in an orthodox way. Even when I start off to created a perfectly symmetrical, balanced, mirrored Zendala, it ends up going wonky. I think it is a matter of no patience and a love of the free-flowing, who knows what's coming next way of doing things.

  5. It looks like you had fun making this happy and springy circular tile. I don't think of using a circular tile except for Zendalas. Must rethink that!

    1. Thanks Jean. I may have used a Zendala tile to create a Zendala once, but I'm not sure. As I said to Suzanne above, I'm just not capable of creating those beautifully balance, meaningful looking, precision works of spiritual art. I think Andy Goldsworthy said it - if you pour water down the surface of a piece of glass, it won't go straight (look at rivers over flat land). I'm that way, no matter how straight the path I head down, I wander hither and yon, to and fro.

  6. Wow, this is beautiful and very elegant.

  7. Cool string and beautifully done tangles! A great spring garden!

  8. What a lovely spring- chain... Just great!
