Wednesday, January 20, 2016

I Am the Diva Callenge #251

I am the Diva weekly challenge #251:

Use the Moebius Syndrome Foundation logo as your string.  The Moebius Syndrome color is purple.  I drew the logo freehand on a standard Zentangle tile. That explains a lot.  I used a Gelly Roll metalic pen to color Diva Dance and a Prismacolor pencil to color and shade the logo.


  1. Great logo, well done on drawing that, I gave up!

  2. You are braver than I; I cheesed out and printed Laura's Moebius logo. I could have spent all my creative hours just getting the Escherness down. Nice Diva dance, how appropriate! Have a brilliant day! Cheryl

  3. I was not brave either, printed it out. I love the Diva Dance background that you used! Great tile!

  4. Indeed brave to draw the logo freehand and so well! I like it and the background.

  5. Wonderful Möbius logo on the Diva Dance background! Beautifully drawn!

  6. Lovely tile with great shading and a beautyful Diva Dance.

  7. Kudos for drawing the Moebius symbol freehand. I totally punted on that. Nice shading in purple---something else I haven't mastered with color. Nice.

  8. Kudos for drawing the Moebius symbol freehand. I totally punted on that. Nice shading in purple---something else I haven't mastered with color. Nice.

  9. Wonderful tile and I think you did a great job drawing the Moebius logo freehand. I love that you added the Diva Dance tangle behind it to set it all off and your shading looks great! Nicely done!
