Wednesday, December 9, 2015

I Am the Diva Challenge #247, "UMT: African Artist" by Tina-Akua Hunziker, CZT

I Am the Diva Challenge #247,  "UMT: African Artist" by Tina-Akua Hunziker, CZT

I went with my first impulse to spiral out from the center and it proved to be fun and adventurous.  I love it when I release the muse and let her take over.  There are no second thoughts anywhere in this very Un-Zendala Zendala.  I just named it "Pulse".  Why not.


  1. Thanks for your kind comments on my blog. Your tangling of the unmandala mandala is wonderful. It makes me feel peaceful even as the tangle flows---like how one might feel sitting next to a flowing stream. There is a lot of activity, but the flow aspect makes it feel soothing.(I'll blame my incoherence on the fact that midnight has come and gone here in Madrid). We fly home tomorrow, so I won't mind feeling exhausted. Maybe I'll be able to sleep on the plane. Nah.

    Becoming a tangler had enhanced my enjoyment of things I see on my travels and even in my hometown. I'm sure if you were to revisit Italy now, you'd be stopping to take a photo every few seconds as patterns leap or at you. (I'll warn you that this behavior can wear thin on non-tangler travel companions. ;-)

    1. Please excuse the typos. Late night "typing" on a so-called smart phone has its drawbacks.

  2. Love that you named your tile Pulse.

  3. I think of it more as "Flow".
    Really beautiful work. The subtle brown ink adds visual interest to the monotangle. :)

  4. You do master this African Artist. I love this.

  5. You do master this African Artist. I love this.
