Tuesday, November 24, 2015

I am the Diva Weekly Challenge #245: "Back to Basics, Hollibaugh"

Weekly Challenge #245:  "Back to Basics - Hollibaugh".  Or - My brain on Hollibaugh; The maze at the Overlook; Los Angeles freeway design; Before the prefrontal cortex;  The ghostly remains of my used brain;  Calcified ampersand.

Ah yes, to be 70 and make art like I did at 7;  been waitin for this.

OK tanglers, I know it ain't an official Hollibaugh.  My brain just gets bored with them and I've always sorta like the squirmy wormy version.  Got some Nzeppel in here too.  And maybe, on a stretch, a little Indyrella.


  1. I really like the maze like effect. Well done!

  2. Well, whatever it is, if the finished product is good to look at, which it is, and the process was a pleasure, which I suspect it was, who could ask for more? Here in Yorkshire we would say "job's a good 'un."

  3. wow, beautiful work, i love the color

  4. Love the composition and color! Nice work!
