Weekly Challenge #228: GUEST BLOGGER Cari Sultanik, CZT
This week's I Am The Diva Challenge is to choose tangles that feel organic to me. I love this challenge because I favor organic patterns that grow in all directions and morph into other things and provide a freedom that more structured patterns don't.
My first tangle is my first ever on a Zendala tile. It features Flux (both Maria Thomas' and Rick Robert's versions). Rick's version morphed into Show Girl while Bunzo anchored the whole thing and Zinger and Fescu provided a little whimZy.
My second tangle is one I created a couple weeks ago, so I didn't want to use it as my primary tile because it doesn't show what developed while thinking about this weeks challenge. But, it definitely shows how much I like organic, freely developed patterns. This one features both Maria's and Rick's versions of Flux, a really free floating Aquafleur and Showgirl. I was experimenting with Sakura Pentouch pens in my quest to find a white pen I like. The orange comes from a Sakura IDentipen. The shading comes from a Zenstone. The ZIA is on a 6x6 Strathmore Artist's Tile.